Having worked in communications and being aware of copyright issues, I am doing my best to set up my blog and social media in a way that does not infringe on anyone's rights. While I am starting to introduce some of my own pictures, I am also reliant on royalty-free stock images, such as Pixabay. Reading and adhering to their content license summary means that I am trying to be extra careful in what I select and how I use it, regardless of my limited scope and reach. If you hover over any of the images I have used on here, you will see the attribution information 🙂 Right now, I am researching fair usage of book covers for book reviews, one of the things that I am eager to embark on. In wanting to do this right, I have found some interesting articles that speak to this matter: Do Book Covers Fall Under Fair Use? Can You Use Book Cover Images on Your Blog? Can You Post Book Covers on Instagram? Copyright for Writers: Using Images in Blog Posts How To Use Copyright Protected Images ...
Discover Christian fiction and Christian non-fiction books through thoughts and reviews.