Welcome to Christian Shelves!
It's pretty self-explanatory, but the blog is named for bookshelves... containing Christian books. I know shelves aren't inherently Christian, but treat it as symbolism or a metaphor 😄
If you're new to this blog, here are some posts that you may be interested in reading.
As a Christian, I adhere to most Statements or Confessions of Faith that are made by Protestant churches and organizations. The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada provides an all-encompassing Statement of Faith for its affiliates that I have utilized.
I currently review books through LibraryThing's Early Reviewer Program, NetGalley, and directly through authors and select publishers and publicists. If there is a way for Christian books to be sent to Canada, I am all ears! I also beta read books for authors I already have a relationship with, though if time opens up for me down the road, I am willing to expand what I presently do.
Just for fun, here are some other badges I've received:
For authors who would like to share more about their books with me, you can do so through this Book Review Requests form. Thank you!
Please note that I participate in the Amazon Associates program and as such, may earn from qualifying purchases based on the links I share. In receiving complimentary ARCs, I provide voluntary reviews that reflect my own opinion.
If you'd like to get in touch, you can email christianshelves [at] gmail [dot] com.
Thank you for stopping by—have a blessed day!
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