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Canadian Authors

Canadian Christian Authors text on blue floral background with outline of map of Canada beside a reader icon holding a book with a maple leaf on the spine and the logo beneath

This is by no means the first list, or the most comprehensive list, but I wanted to dedicate a space to the Canadian Christian authors I've either read for a long time or have recently discovered.

The inspiration for this list comes from I Read Canadian Day, which is on November 8 of each year. I have linked directly to the author's books on Amazon, along with a website if applicable.

If this list grows, I'm happy to further separate authors out by genres, etc. so for now, happy scrolling (list is in alphabetical order by author's last name; in the case of double-barrelled last names, please let me know and I'll fix it!).

Canadian Christian Fiction Authors

Author Genre More Links Location
Carolyne Aarsen Contemporary, romance Site AB
Jacqueline Adam Suspense Site BC
R.J. Anderson Fantasy, sci-fi, YA Site
April Barcalow Historical Site
Sigmund Brouwer Historical fiction, YA, children's literature Site AB
Valerie Comer Contemporary Site BC
Karen DeBlieck Fantasy, YA, poetry, non-fiction Site
Selina De Luca Fantasy, fairy tale adaptations, YA Site
Kelly Dowswell Fantasy IG
Tracey Dyck Fantasy, YA Site
Brittany Eden Romance, royalty Site Vancouver, BC
Morgan Taylor Gisebrecht Historical IG
Beka Gremikova Fantasy, fairy tale adaptations Site ON
Elsa Henderson Biblical, historical AB
PD Janzen Medical Site
Katja H. Labonté Historical Site QC
Nicole Lam Historical, contemporary, romance Site AB
Leah Lindeman Historical, set in Canada Site ON
Nathaniel Luscombe Fantasy, sci-fi Site ON
Susan Anne Mason Historical, contemporary Site Toronto, ON
Rachel McMillan Historical, non-fiction Site Toronto, ON
Julia Naus Author in progress Site
Janette Oke Historical AB
Benita J. Prins Fantasy, fairy tale adaptations, Catholic fiction Site
Murray Pura Historical, contemporary Site AB
Grace Pringle Short stories, poetry Site
Adella Quick Fantasy Site
Chelsea Rae Historical, set in Canada Site AB
Cara E. Ruegg Fantasy, YA, Catholic fiction Site
Laura Thomas Romantic suspense, YA, children's literature Site BC
Cydnie Trenholm Young adult, new adult Christian action Site AB
Hazel Vale Romantic sci-fi Site ON
Kendra Warden Romantic suspense, Catholic fiction Site ON
Courtney Westerhof Contemporary IG ON
Chrissy Willems Children's literature Site SK

Canadian Christian Non-Fiction Authors

Author Genre More Links Location
Mark Buchanan Church leadership, spiritual formation Site Calgary, AB
Tim Challies Theology, Christian living, spiritual formation Site Toronto, ON
Ken Shigematsu Spiritual formation Vancouver, BC
Gordon T. Smith Church leadership, spiritual formation Site Calgary, AB
Rod Wilson Christian psychology, counselling Vancouver, BC

Biographies of Canadian Christians

Books Set in Canada

If you're interested in adding to this list or see corrections that need to be made, please email me at christianshelves [at] gmail [dot] com or drop a comment. Thank you for helping me support and celebrate Canadian Christian authors!

AB = Alberta; BC = British Columbia; MB = Manitoba; NB = New Brunswick; NL = Newfoundland and Labrador; NT = Northwest Territories; NS = Nova Scotia; NU = Nunavut; ON = Ontario; PE = Prince Edward Island; QC = Quebec; SK = Saskatchewan; YT = Yukon

Disclaimer: I have not read all of these authors and this list only serves as a reference guide. Inclusion on here does not necessarily represent endorsement. Thank you!


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