As I organize myself in preparation of tackling the ever-growing, never-ending TBR pile, I am struck by how people organize their home libraries, especially after my journey between minimalism and maximalism. As much as the trend is to organize by colour right now, I would be even more mixed up in trying to locate titles. Since my preference is to keep books in publication order for each author, this helps series to remain together (for the most part). I also enjoy seeing the evolution of how authors write as their books progress.
Furthermore, there seems to be more attention paid to how spines can look, thus leading to some of my favourite series depicting complete scenes when placed next to each other in order—a real visual feast! My absolute favourite to date is the Hope and Glory series from Elizabeth Camden for both the spine art and the cover art which all links together. I couldn't imagine breaking those titles up for aesthetic value when it already exists. A visual cacophony of colours, if you will, is still eye-catching to regard.
With my books already categorized by genre and then sorted alphabetically by author, it shouldn't be too difficult to locate the next read. While I have a LibraryThing account that catalogues everything I have, it is not fully accurate as there remain some titles that I have donated and not tracked accordingly. However, I am grateful for this service as it's a handy reminder of what books I need to read, including the ARCs I received from the Early Reviewers program.
There are several methods that I am thinking of utilizing to sort out which books I should tackle first. The first is to go back to my LibraryThing account and compile a list of my oldest TBR books. I started doing this recently and was amazed at how many books remain on the list from when I was in college several decades ago. The second is to randomize the books to read in which I have written down the authors' names and placed them on scrap pieces of paper to be drawn at whim.
While my Christian non-fiction list really reflects the genres I have been interested in over time, telling its own story, I cannot say the same for Christian fiction. Therefore, I believe I will approach the non-fiction titles a little more systematically and the fiction titles with a little more surprise. I wish I had the time or capability of wrapping up my TBRs nicely in kraft paper as some Bookstagrammers are doing, but I am content to draw names for now. Although I have joked with my husband that he can re-gift me the books I have not yet read, I may prefer the element of surprise to come a different way 😄
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