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Showing posts from June, 2024

Taken for Granted

Ever since I've had to undertake water conversation measures, I've been wondering what things in life that I take for granted. I'll be honest; water was something that I just assumed would be available for me whenever and wherever I needed it. After a few weeks of reducing water consumption, I've realized the following: Conserving water is not new to me, but somewhere along the way, I grew lax, believing that I didn't need to be as diligent in not being wasteful. It can take considerably more effort to reduce the amount of water I use, but it's worth it to think about those who need water even more. Water is something that I can use without thinking, but when it's scarce, it's almost all I can think about. Since water is connected to survival, I am immensely grateful that I still have access to drinking water and can live with the inconveniences for however long it takes due to that knowledge. In a very roundabout way, this past month has been teaching m

Review: The Cavern Under the Lake - The Mapscape Adventures #0.5

Cartography has always been a field I've been interested in, not for myself, but just in general. Thankfully, I've known some cartographers since, so it's been fascinating to learn about all that goes into both the art and science of this work. Having a little bit of that exposure makes the The Cavern Under the Lake  by A.D. Downton even more intriguing to read, though it is not necessary to have prior knowledge of mapmaking to appreciate it. I am grateful to the author for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own. Content to be aware of for children and youth: language (mild expletives that are more commonly used in the UK such as "da**" and "a**", and God's name used in vain by characters who do not profess Him), drinking, smoking Book Synopsis The best explorers speak of a power in nature. Not everyone can see it, not everyone can feel it, but it’s there, and it’s dying... Seeing is believing. That was the wor

Review: No More Christian Nice Girl

No More Christian Nice Girl: When Just Being Nice–Instead of Good–Hurts You, Your Family and Your Friends by Paul Coughlin and Jennifer D. Degler, PhD has for some reason been on my ARC list the longest, even though its message would have probably been just as beneficial for me when I first received it. Thankfully, it's never too late to review a book! The timing has also worked out that my husband is reading the male counterpart , so it's been giving us lots to discuss 😊 Many thanks to  Bethany House Publishers  and LibraryThing for providing a complimentary physical copy for review consideration. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Book Thoughts content is also posted on  LibraryThing . Book Synopsis A life-giving message of change for women who are tired of pleasing others and who want to move from being nice to being good. When passivity and false niceness don't bring the abundant life Jesus promised, some Christian women try even harder to hide b

Review: A Cameo for a Cowgirl - Three Creek Ranch #1

A Cameo for a Cowgirl , the first in the Three Creek Ranch series  by Carolyn Miller , is a book that I instantly devoured because of the author, plot, and most importantly in this case, the setting. It's not often that I get to read Christian stories about Canadian characters, so I am incredibly thrilled that I can add another book to this niche genre 😄 I am grateful to the author for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own. Book Synopsis Welcome to Three Creek Ranch, home of the James family for over a hundred years, complete with its own Western movie set. Franklin James might be a famous pro hockey player, but just because he's Cassie's older brother doesn't mean she wants to step into the limelight. She's too busy helping her dad run the ranch and managing the ranch's movie set, and negotiating with the giant egos of movie stars like Harrison Woods, who's supposed to be filming the new TV series of As The Heart Draw

Hello Again

  Wow, this is the longest I've been away from blogging, so thank you for taking the time to check out old posts and reviews instead! It hasn't been fun being sick, especially when I didn't even have the energy to read anything for the first part of my illness. I'm slowly on the mend and hope to change my reading stats for the remainder of the month. In case I haven't expressed it on here, I am deeply grateful to you for reading my little musings and different Christian book reviews. Although I haven't had the energy to even think about posting reviews, I have missed them, so stay tuned for the ones coming up! I wish you a very happy start to the summer if you're in the northern hemisphere and a very happy start to the winter if you're in the southern hemisphere 🌞❄