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Hello Again


wrinkled white sheets with an upside-down spread out book on top

Wow, this is the longest I've been away from blogging, so thank you for taking the time to check out old posts and reviews instead! It hasn't been fun being sick, especially when I didn't even have the energy to read anything for the first part of my illness. I'm slowly on the mend and hope to change my reading stats for the remainder of the month.

In case I haven't expressed it on here, I am deeply grateful to you for reading my little musings and different Christian book reviews. Although I haven't had the energy to even think about posting reviews, I have missed them, so stay tuned for the ones coming up!

I wish you a very happy start to the summer if you're in the northern hemisphere and a very happy start to the winter if you're in the southern hemisphere 🌞❄


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