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Review: Pointe, Shoots, and Scores - Northwest Ice #3

Pointe, Shoots, and Scores book cover on blue background

It's been wonderful to be on a roll for this series as the characters and stories have been fresh in my mind these past few weeks. I'm getting to the point where I'm starting to feel like I know the people mentioned by name the more I progress in the Northwest Ice series by Carolyn Miller, with Pointe, Shoots, and Scores being the third book (with more to come!).

I am grateful to the author for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

Content to be aware of: There is one word that is quite strong and could be viewed as an expletive for North American Christians; however, the cultural context from where this originates does not hold the same level of vulgarity. This is something to keep in mind between English-speaking countries as a point of reference, but which should not detract from the overall reading of the book.

Book Synopsis

Opposites can attract, but can they dance?

For as long as she can remember Bailey Donovan has loved dance, especially ballet. When her dance studio faces the risk of closure, she takes a God-given miracle of a gig training a complete non-dancer for a TV show. Only problem is, he’s a real grump to her sunshine, and for an athlete, seems to be lacking all the moves. Or does he?

Luc Blanchard has sworn off wine, women, and definitely dancing as it sure doesn’t fit his macho image. He loves hockey, God, and his family, with no time for more, until an unexpected promotion sees him forced to swallow his pride for the sake of his team.

Sparks soon fly as these two opposites spend time together, and TV ratings push for their onscreen partnership to make a fake relationship real. But as they discover a certain magic under the spotlight, will issues from the past ever let them truly soar?

Source: Amazon

Book Thoughts

This is a book that has all the feels. From the highs and lows of reality television to the tensions of contractual obligations to family drama and dysfunction, readers end up going on an emotional journey with Luc and Bailey. Much like watching a ballet and seeing all the twists and turns that tell a grand story, this book does the same thing. It is refreshingly honest, and the technical details are well-balanced by a forward moving plot, immersing you into a world that doesn't feel so far out of reach. These are the details that I've come to expect and enjoy in the Northwest Ice series as I truly feel like I can enter the worlds of a dance studio and NHL arena in Winnipeg and a television studio in Toronto.

Of course, the sweetest part of any Carolyn Miller book is how well she weaves the Christian faith into her characters' lives and their story. I love how Luc is able to demonstrate spiritual fruit in his life and how he is accountable to his men's Bible study group, indicating his earnest desire to walk closely with God. I also love how Bailey is bold in her faith and her willingness to grow and seek the Lord on matters of the heart. Overall, this is a riveting story that kept me engrossed as I was eager to see how things unfolded, both in the dancing show competition but also in the personal lives of Luc and Bailey. Readers won't go wrong with this excellent series that captures the close fellowship of teammates and believers, and the power of prayer for those who lay their burdens before Jesus.

Book Summary

  • Format of book: 📱
  • Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Recommendation: 👍


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