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Palate Cleansers

small plate of lime sorbet on top of larger blue plate with a lime wedge and a metal spoon

Partially inspired by summer and partially because I like eating, I was thinking about the role of palate cleansers between courses of food, notably sorbet. I really enjoy the reset that the palate cleansers provide, allowing for a richer sense of taste to come with the next dish.

In terms of reading, I admit that I have had a lot of ARCs to read this year. I've read close to 30 ARCs so far and have another 20 or so to go. I'm by no means complaining as I really enjoy reading; however, I can attest to a bit of fatigue from trying to get in as much reading as possible to meet release deadlines. It doesn't quite feel like work yet, but I will admit that when the ARCs are back-to-back, it can be a little hard to continually be motivated.

As a result, I've been looking forward to setting aside a month to take a break from ARC commitments and to just enjoy whatever titles come my way and to make more of a dent in my TBR pile. While I will continue to try to meet a few upcoming deadlines and receive ARCs I've been waiting for, I want to take a break and see what books strike my mood in the moment. August will be a nice breather as I hope to finally make my way through the Timeless series by Gabrielle Meyer!

In between a few ARCs right now, I've also resorted to some guilty pleasures to keep the momentum going, which have included some historical novellas. These have been fun bites of sorbet, and a great way to escape being sick this summer. I have a soft spot for novellas as they're a nice way to feel accomplished, but also lovely for becoming acquainted with authors' writing styles. I'm hopeful that these little spurts will help me reach the finish line for some upcoming books!

I wonder if anyone else treats guilty pleasure reading the same way that I do 😄

(To be clear, I'm not saying that ARCs require a cleansing experience afterwards. Just that a little variety makes the full reading experience even better!)


  1. I am probably doing the Restful August challenge already. Not sure if this is considered a reading slump but I’ve been reading novellas for two straight weeks or shorter books (less than 200 pages) it’s kinda weird but I’m loving being able to read more than one book a week.

    1. That's wonderful! Novellas have kept me going as well :) It is a nice sense of accomplishment, and it feels less daunting. I hope you're enjoying your restful summer reading!


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