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Review: Running to the Hero - Heroes of Freedom Ridge #17

Running to the Hero book cover on blue background

Running to the Hero by Hannah Jo Abbott is just the type of runaway bride story that brings a smile to your face after learning about all of the pressures that Felicity has faced leading up to her wedding day. Her escape to Freedom, Colorado lands her among friends in the Heroes of Freedom Ridge series.

Book Synopsis

Spending Christmas with a reclusive grinch isn’t exactly what this runaway bride had in mind for her honeymoon.

Felicity Keaton didn't even bother to shed her wedding dress when she left her hometown in the rearview mirror. As if it weren't already the worst day of her life, an accident lands her in the ER in an unknown town - where the handsome doctor is as mysterious as she is.

Jude Palmer tries to keep to himself, which is easier said than done in the small town where everyone knows your business. Living in a tourist hotspot at Christmas is difficult when you would rather be in seclusion.

When Felicity dives into the community in full holiday spirit, she drags Jude along with her. He’s determined not to enjoy it, but Felicity makes that nearly impossible.

Jude knows if he tells her about his past, she will run again. Can Felicity convince him he’s been the hero all along?

Source: Amazon

Book Thoughts

This book is a sheer delight. Jude and Felicity are characters to adore as they each grow in their understanding of Jesus and pursue Him first in their lives. Their prayers, their hearts, and their budding friendship all make this story such a special one. In many ways, their story feels so realistic that I couldn't help but see my own love story in theirs. I definitely appreciate all the themes that Hannah Jo Abbott touches on, including a relationship with God versus good works, forgiveness, people's expectations versus God's will, and so much more.

Not only is this a captivating romance, but the characters also reveal the faithfulness and sovereignty of God through His perfect timing. The family interactions show the messy and difficult side of life, making it even more relatable. Though Christmas is the backdrop to the characters’ time together, the true meaning of God coming to earth to be with us is much more pronounced. Everything flows together in Running to the Hero, and it is a quick read that will surely bring a smile to readers.

Book Summary

  • Format of book: 📱
  • Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Recommendation: 👍


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